Climber Worldwide

Wij zijn Climber – Part of Digia Group

Creating Intelligent Business is de essentie van ons werk. Sinds 2007 slaat Climber een brug tussen Business en IT met Business Intelligence (BI) oplossingen die ertoe doen. Groei ontdekken en kosten besparen. Wij geloven dat datagedreven organisaties slimmer beslissen. Onze BI- specialisten laten consultancy én software krachtig samenkomen in kraakheldere management dashboards, met behulp van QlikView of Qlik Sense, zodat jij vinger aan de pols houdt en ruimte ervaart voor focus op zakelijk succes. Want, een besluit op basis van een feit brengt je verder.


What’s New in Qlik Cloud – July 2024

What’s New in Qlik Cloud – July 2024

This month’s updates in Qlik Cloud include Context Menu for Visualisations and On-Demand Tabular Reporting to mention a few. In the Data Integration area, the updates focus on improving the performance and reliability of data replication processes. Read on to learn more about the new additions in July.

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What was new at Qlik Connect?

What was new at Qlik Connect?

A couple of weeks after returning home from Qlik Connect in Orlando, it’s time to summarise all the impressions from the conference. Our BI Manager and Qlik Partner Ambassador Olof Malmström shares the highlights.

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Qlik a Leader in the 2024 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Data Analytics and Business Intelligence

Qlik a Leader in the 2024 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Data Analytics and Business Intelligence

Get your free copy for an overview of the entire Data Analytics and BI landscape and see why Qlik is recognised as a Leader in the Magic Quadrant for 14 years straight.

>> Download the report

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