Climber Worldwide
on demand Qlik BI trends webinar 2023



Calibrate for Crisis

Top 10 BI & Data Trends 2023

It’s time to calibrate for shifts in power – and data! Tech decoupling, ”privacy debt”, lack of skilled-labor, and ebbing VC funding. According to IDC, nearly 7 out of 10 global tech leaders worry about the growing price tag for technology investments needed to stay competitive.

Learn which BI trends are rising as a result, and and what you need to know to stay ahead!

Don’t miss out on the Calibrate for Crisis: Top 10 BI & Data Trends 2023 webinar. Dan Sommer, Senior Manager at Qlik, will reveal the trends that will impact on organisations over the coming year shaped by two key ideas:

  • Calibrating your decision – Sharpen up your decision accuracy at speed and scale to improve your ability to react and adapt to unexpected events.
  • Calibrating your integration – Achieve connected governance by accessing, combining, and overseeing distributed data sets to handle a fragmented world.


View the webinar at a time that suits you!

Qlik BI Trends 2023 Speaker Dan Summer Climber


Senior Director, Market Intelligence Lead at Qlik

Dan Sommer is Qlik’s leader of Global Market Intelligence. With more than two decades of experience in the IT industry, Dan is a frequent industry speaker, blogger, and columnist on the topic of BI, analytics, and data integration. He is passionate about data literacy, supporting data-driven cultures and tracking trends in the industry. This is Dan’s sixth year authoring Qlik’s ever-popular annual BI & Data Trends eBook. Prior to joining Qlik, Dan was Research Director of BI and Analytics at Gartner.

Questions? Contact us!

Nick Rondeel

BI Manager
+31 6 48 63 07 65

Stef Comello

Managing Director
+31 6 81 78 98 97

Gepubliceerd 2022-12-14


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